About John Culviner

mountainHello and welcome to my blog! My name is John Culviner and I am a full stack software engineer consultant working for my own consulting company: Culviner Consulting Corp. I can’t say I started out with the plan to be a developer but I’ve found really digging into technology and the web fun. I feel I am extremely lucky to have found something that I really enjoy that I can also make a career out of (makes the days go by really fast I’ll tell you!)

This blog is currently focused around web development and related backend technologies. This could include React Native, React, Node.js, AWS, GraphQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, DevOps, C#, Groovy/Java etc.

I hate to repeat what has likely been pounded into every developer’s head from the beginning of time but I truly feel that right tool for the job, low coupling, high cohesion, DRY (don’t repeat yourself!)  etc. are the keys to success in any development project. Expect this in my blog posts. If I didn’t achieve this or you have discovered a better way leave a comment and let the world know!.

Thanks for reading and enjoy, I look forward to hearing from you!

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