If you listen to a lot of music while working like I do you might […]
React Native Expo Native Modules addListener native crashes
I was recently writing Expo Native Module on iOS and Android for a client and […]
react-devtools and React Native issues solved
react-devtools is a great standalone way to debug component, layout and profiling issues with React […]
How to correctly setup Charles Proxy for the iOS Simulator
From what I can tell most guides online (and even on the Charles website!) are […]
How to console.log in React Native to macOS console in iOS release builds
I was recently trying to do some debugging around how Expo EAS Updates were applying […]
Welcome back!
Hey all, I’ve taken a significant break from blogging. Oddly enough my last post was […]
Intro to Docker and Clustering with Rancher from Scratch
Hey thanks everyone that could make it to my talk! Here are some links you […]
MidwestJS: Node.js and MongoDB API from scratch, fully explained and tested
Thanks everyone that was able to come see my talk. I had fun and I […]
Thoughts on MongoDB vs Traditional SQL and RavenDB
The Good and Bad of MongoDB Since MongoDB and many other NoSQL options don’t allow […]
MDC Intro To AngularJS Slides/Links
Wow, very impressed with the turnout today at MDC to my Intro to AngularJS talk! […]